Just prior to our annual Facilities Staff Recognition & Appreciation event we run a "kudos" presentation to share the wonderful thank you notes we receive throughtout the year. This year we thought we would try something more visual, something a little different. We started our experiement by asking our colleagues.
In our first ever whiteboard appreciation project, we asked our faculty, staff and students if they had a few words of appreciation to share with Facilities. We were overwhelmed by the turnout, and the words of appreciation written on those whiteboards. Our campus colleagues braved cold winter weather to come share their appreciation for the work we do in Facilities. During our kudos slideshow, our staff watched whiteboard after whiteboard, held by its smiling author, thank them for the jobs they do every day. The whiteboards highlighted in a very tangible way how much our behind-the-scenes work is noticed, and what a difference we can make in someone's day. We will continue to share these wonderful whiteboards with our staff throughout the year. Thank you all for contributing to our day of recognition.
We would also like to congratulate our Facilities award winners this year:
- Charlie Krank of Grounds & Building Maintenance (Gene McParland Award)
- Tom Massabrook of Site Protection (Dick Spies Award)
- Dave Morreale of the Office of Information Technology (Friends of Facilities Award)
- Eileen Tarity of Grounds & Building Maintenance (Dick Spies Award)
Our awards are named after two special and well respected former Facilities Staff members.
Gene McParland Award - Honesty, Integrity & Strength of Character
- The Gene McPartland Award recognizes one regular, benefits-eligible Facilities employee with 10 or more years of service for their outstanding honesty, integrity and strength of character in serving Princeton University.
Dick Spies Award - Excellence, Dedication & Quality Improvement
- The Dick Spies award recognizes up to three regular, benefits-eligible Facilities employees with 3 or more years of service, in recognition of extraordinary excellence, dedication, and quality improvement in serving Princeton University.