The Andlinger Center for the Energy and Environment supports a vibrant and expanding program of research and teaching in the areas of sustainable energy development, energy conservation and environmental protection and remediation. The center pursues these studies with an eye towards translating fundamental knowledge into practical solutions that enable sustainable energy production and the protection of the environment and global climate from anthropogenic change.
This new building is the home of the Andlinger Center. The laboratory is located in the area south of Engineering Quad bounded by the A-Wing, the E-wing, and Bowen Hall. The new three-story facility extends one story below grade and includes specialized engineering laboratories, offices, support spaces, and a lecture hall. The building is internally connected to Bowen Hall and to the 200 level of E-Quad via a bridge. Approximately 3,300 nsf of Bowen Hall was reassigned and renovated for programs of the Andlinger Center.