Camera Expansion Project

In December 2022, the Environmental, Safety, and Risk Management Committee (ESRM) approved the installation of security cameras at the exterior entrances and exits of Princeton’s undergraduate dormitories and residential colleges. This project is the result of an assessment of community feedback, focus groups, benchmarking, and privacy concerns.

Camera Expansion Frequently Asked Questions

Why install cameras now?

After an assessment of focus groups, privacy considerations, and camera programs at peer institutions, the ESRM committee endorsed the camera installation project.

What is the timeline for the camera expansion project?

Camera installation will begin in March 2023, and we expect the project to conclude by the start of the 2023 fall semester.

Are cameras being installed in a particular order?

The Facilities Organization will coordinate the installation of cameras based on a number of factors intended to prioritize the completion of the project by the beginning of the fall 2023 semester, while minimizing disruption to residents. These factors include: incorporating camera installation into the scope of work for other scheduled construction or maintenance projects, adapting to the supply chain, and considering the academic calendar’s exam periods and major events.

Where will cameras be installed?

The ESRM committee endorsed cameras to be installed at exterior entrances and exits of residential colleges and undergraduate student dorms after considering the opportunities that cameras may provide to support investigations, assessing responses from student focus groups, and comparing the use of cameras at peer institutions.

We are continually evaluating the needs of our campus community as a whole and will consider additional enhancements as necessary. For example, a review of safety and security requests at graduate residential dorms and apartments is underway, and several identified needs have been resolved or are in the process of being resolved. Additional concerns will be discussed in the coming months in partnership with the Graduate School, Public Safety, Campus Life, Housing and Real Estate Services, the Graduate Student Government, the Undergraduate Student Government, and the graduate residential committees.

Will individuals be notified when installation will take place?

Yes, residents and staff supporting residents of the affected buildings will be notified before installation at their building is to begin.

For inquiries and additional information, contact the Facilities Service Center at 609-258-8000 and/or refer to the Camera Expansion FAQs pdf.

Year Completed
Estimated completion
Fall 2023


Program Manager, Site Protection
Project Manager, Site Protection
Project Manager, Major Maintenance
Project Manager, OIT
Other location
Campus Wide