Over many decades, increasing stormwater runoff has resulted in instability of the Washington Road Stream, causing erosion and other damage to the ecosystems in the immediate area. The goal of this project is to restore the Washington Road Stream to a stable condition through the application of natural channel design principles.
This project consists of restoring approximately 1400 linear feet of stream channel along the Washington Road stream corridor on Princeton University’s campus. The project begins at the intersection of Washington Road and Armory Drive and runs 1400 feet downstream to Faculty Road.
Restoration activities include grading and reshaping the streambed and stream banks, rock boulder placement to form grade control/habitat features, stacked stone for stream bank protection, installation of cobble/gravel/sand material to help form the reshaped streambed, and landscaping the corridor with native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous materials to enhance the riparian buffer. While some trees will be removed (many of which are currently threatened by on-going bank erosion), the project entails planting some 300 new trees and over 2000 other plants. Much of the rock used in the project was brought in from the Neuroscience and Psychology construction site on the other side of Washington Road.