Facilities Recognition & Appreciation

Annual Awards

Each year Facilities celebrates the extraordinary efforts of our staff through our Facilities Recognition Awards. Each Fall we ask our staff to think about their colleagues and submit nominations for those whose work, character, dedication, and integrity has stood out over the last year. If you do not work in Facilities and would like to nominate a Facilities employee please reach out to a Facilities staff member to suggest a nominee, and work together to submit a nomination.

Award Winners

One Respect

OneRespect began out of a partnership between the Facilities Culture of Inclusion Committee and Keller Center’s TigerChallenge program, using design thinking to tackle a complex social issue. We began tackling the issue of service staff disrespect in the fall of 2017.

Our OneRespect posters target an underlying issue of disrespect, invisibility, by making our staff not just more visible, but also by sharing who they are as people. The OneRespect posters introduce staff members with who they are beyond their job role, how proud they are to work here, and what respect means to them. There are many definitions of respect. Meet a few of our proud and hardworking Facilities staff members below and visit OneRespect.princeton.edu to see more.

Thank someone in Facilities