We clean bathrooms in common areas in academic, administrative, and dormitory buildings, Monday through Friday. Dormitory restrooms in common areas are also cleaned once each weekend. Routine bathroom cleaning includes:
- washing and sanitizing all bathroom fixtures including sinks, toilets, showers
- washing and sanitizing bathroom floors
- dusting surfaces
- emptying trash cans and replacing liners
- refilling all soap dispensers
- refilling all paper dispensers
We do not clean bathrooms in dormitory suites or private residences, such as University apartments.
Reporting problems
Bathroom cleaning is a routine service and does not require a service request. However, if you notice an urgent problem, call our customer service center or notify your building manager.
Bathroom cleaning is provided at no cost to you.
Service category
Facilities Service Center
Did You Know
The Service Center (609-258-8000) is a centralized call center for every Facilities department. They handle approximately 60,000 inquiries per year via phone, web, and email.