Heating and Cooling Guidelines

General guidelines to ensure everyone in your building feels comfortable

  • Keep any heat-producing elements, such as computer monitors and TV screens, away from temperature sensors - Failure to do so will result in the artificial increase of the air temperature around the sensor and reduce the flow of heat or increase the flow of cooled air to the entire building.

  • Keep your window closed when it is cold outside - If the temperature in the room drops because the window is open, the flow of heat will increase to the entire building, causing overheating.

  • Do not use portable heaters - Additional heaters increase the temperature in the room and decrease the flow of heat to the rest of the building, Portable heaters are also prohibited by the University Energy Conservation Initiatives.

  • If your room has a thermostat or sensor, be aware your behavior could affect the heating and cooling throughout the building, especially your immediate neighbors - "With great power, comes great responsibility" (Benjamin Parker, better known as Uncle Ben from Spider-man)

If the temperature feels uncomfortable, what's next? 

  • For energy conservation reasons, the campus aims to keep all spaces within the "Tiger Zone" 

    • Spaces heated to 68 f/20c in the winter
    • Spaces cooled to 78 f/26c in the summer 

  • Helpful hints when a space feels COLD

    • 68 can feel cold - dress in layers and have sweaters, scarves, vests and/or blazers on hand

    • Make sure heat is scheduled for your event by emailing [email protected]

    • Get window treatments, if possible, e.g. blinds, shades, and curtains, to provide additional insulation against cold and drafts

  • Helpful hints when a space feel WARM

    • 78 can feel warm - dress in layers to give you flexibility for too little, or too much, air conditioning

    • Consider a personal fan which can provide cooling relief without using too much energy

    • Make sure cooling is scheduled for your event by emailing [email protected]

    • Get window treatments, if possible, e.g. blinds, shades, and curtains, to block or reduce direct sunlight

  • If you don't have a thermostat or your thermostat reads above or below our temperature targets, please call the Service Center at (609) 258-8000

  • If you are using a classroom or common space outside of regular hours and the heating or cooling has turned off, please Email [email protected] with a campus location and time range for temperature adjustments

  • For more information, please read our University Conservation Initiatives Guide

Important Dates

  • Buildings typically switch to HEAT in mid-October
  • Buildings typically switch to AIR CONDITIONING (if available) in mid-April

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