University Conservation Initiatives Guide

Conserving Energy

Facilities has completed many projects to help conserve energy. Some efforts you will notice, such as motion sensors to control lights, and some are invisible, such as adding insulation to steam pipes in tunnels. We also established temperature targets for our buildings. Except in research labs and a few other locations which require specific temperature ranges, all centrally controlled occupied spaces will now be:

  • heated to 68 f/20 c in the winter
  • cooled to 78 f/26 c in the summer 

Making Buildings More Efficient

Our focus is to make the entire process of designing, building and operating our new buildings more green. New construction and major renovations present opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of the campus for the long term. For each building at Princeton, engineers develop computer energy models early in the design phase and actively seek opportunities to improve energy efficiency. We now require, for example, high efficiency motors and lights, occupancy sensors, variable speed motor controllers, high efficiency coiling coils, energy-star rated appliances and individual dorm room temperature controls. With outside assistance as well as collaboration with faculty in the various departments, we continue to develop new standards that incorporate best practices in design and technology.    

Reducing the Cost of Energy

The Facilities Department is always exploring ways to protect against future increases in the cost of energy.  Our chilled water storage tank allows the university to produce chilled water for cooling at night, when power is inexpensive, and use it during the day when it is expensive to produce. We are also timing our purchases, especially during the summer, to avoid the high prices that are charged at peak periods. 

How you can actively participate

  • Turn off lights when not in use. 
  • Report any leaks, excessive heating or cooling. 
  • Reach for a sweater in the winter, and a fan in the summer.
  • Close fume hood sashes in laboratories to minimize the loss of cooled air.
  • Do not operate electric space heaters, which consume large amounts of power and cause temperature control problems in other areas. 
  • Call (609) 258-8000 or submit an online service request if large spaces, i.e. classrooms, need a temperature adjustment due to a schedule change. 
  • Please be patient during any excessive heat periods when we cut back air conditioning and request that lighting in large areas be reduced.