We contract with Western Pest Services, a state-certified pest management company, to perform routine pest control services including inspection, monitoring, and, if necessary, abatement measures.
Routine treatment
Academic and administrative buildings receive monthly (or more frequent) service to reduce or eliminate insect and rodent activity. A Western Pest Services technician is on campus during weekday business hours to perform pest control services when needed.
Live animals
While rare, animals such as raccoons, possums, groundhogs, skunks, and bats may occasionally get inside or too close to campus buildings. If you notice an animal where it shouldn’t be, avoid contact and immediately call Public Safety at (609) 258-1000.
Bed bugs
Bed bugs – small, brown-red, and oval-shaped, often found in mattresses, sheets, and clothing –are increasingly common in the United States. They are extremely difficult to eradicate and require professional treatment, so residents are urged to report any suspicion of bed bugs immediately by submitting a service request.
Pest treatment is provided at no cost to you.
Facilities Service Center
Did You Know
The Service Center (609-258-8000) is a centralized call center for every Facilities department. They handle approximately 60,000 inquiries per year via phone, web, and email.